In this book, we have tried to present the reader with a new method of writing, which is to limit and shorten the topics, so that one topic does not exceed five lines, and each topic has its own benefit, which the reader can take no matter what its scientific level, so we sought simplicity in its formulation and clarification, except God is easy Of them, and in which simplification is unfair to them, or the fact that some are like mental sports with which the reader does not execute the merit of thinking whether it came out with a result or not. And we tried - and from God to pay - that the subjects of this book be separate and not confined to a specific science or a special chapter, so that every reader takes what suits him. We ask the Almighty Haqq to make the words of this book valid to bear on it the benefits it overflows with for His servants, since there is no benefit except for Him, glory be to Him, for it is the source of the benefits and the principle of returns. And praise him for what he gave and attributed Khafajs expectant